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Over 100,000 Entities Formed Since 1999

File an Annual Report or Statement of Information in Any State


File an Annual Report or Statement of Information in Any State

Expedite your annual report filing $69

Most states require an annual (or biennial: every 2 years) filing to keep them updated with your current Registered Agent, Officers/Directors and/or Members Names and Addresses.

The filing is usually referred to as an Annual Report or Statement of Information. This filing will be required in both the state where your company is incorporated or organized as well as in any states where your company is 'foreign qualified' to do business.

Annual Report Notes

The table below shows each state and when your Annual Report is due. All due dates are on an annual basis unless otherwise noted.
NOTE: The below due dates assume a Domestic For-Profit Corporation or LLC. For other business entities, contact us for clarification.

  • File Date - the date your company was originally filed by the State.
  • Initial Report - the 1st Report due immediately after forming a company (highlighted below).
  • FY - End of Fiscal Year (typically Dec. 31).
  • Biennial - due every 2 years.
  • Even Year - 2012, 2014, etc.
  • Odd Year - 2011, 2013, etc.
  • QTR - Fiscal Quarter (Jan-Mar, Apr-Jun, Jul-Sep, Oct-Dec)

SunDoc Advantages

SunDoc's California filings provide the best value: fast and economical.

  • Great Service Since 1999

    With over 1,000 5-star reviews on Truspilot, you can be confident in working with us.

  • Same day processing

    Only if received by 2 p.m. PST. Most companies mail in your requests delaying results.

  • Experience

    Since 1999. Over 100,000 filings. Located in Sacramento.

  • Skilled Customer Service

    Our skilled customer service staff is always ready to help.

Annual Report Due Dates

DELAWARE Please see the link below for Delaware, as taxes must be paid at the time of the annual report filing. https://icis.corp.delaware.gov/Ecorp/logintax.aspx?FilingType=FranchiseTax

Due Date - Corporation
Due Date - LLC
Initial Report: Within 2.5 Months of Formation Date
Annual: March 15 (varies with FY)
April 15
Initial Report: Within 6 Months of Formation Date
Annual: January 1 (Biennial)
Initial Report: Within 6 Months of Formation Date
Annual: January 1 (Biennial)
Formation Date
No Report Required
May 1
May 1
Initial Report: Within 90 Days of  
Formation Date
Annual: Last Day of Month of Formation Date (Biennial)
Initial Report: Within 60 Days of Formation  Date
Annual: Last Day of Month of Formation Date (Biennial)
Last Day of Month of Formation Date
Last Day of Month of Formation Date
Last Day of Month of Formation Date
Last Day of Month of Formation Date
March 1
June 1
May 1
May 1
Initial Report: Within 90 Days of Formation Date if Filed before 10/1
Annual: April 1
Initial Report: Within 90 Days of Formation Date if Filed before 10/1
Annual: April 1
Last Day in QTR of Formation Date
Last Day in QTR of Formation Date
Last Day of Month of Formation Date
Last Day of Month of Formation Date
First Day of Month of Formation Date
First Day of Month of Formation Date
Last Day of Month of Formation Date (Biennial)
Last Day of Month of Formation Date (Biennial)
April 1 (every even year)
April 1 (every odd year)
April 15 (assuming FY ending 12/31)
April 15 (assuming FY ending 12/31)
June 30
June 30
Formation Date
Formation Date
June 1
June 1
April 15
April 15
February 15 (2.5 months after end of FY)
Formation Date
May 15
February 15
December 31
December 31
April 1
April 15
Initial Report: Within 30 Days of   Formation Date
Annual: April 30 (assuming FY ending 12/31)
No Report Required
April 15
April 15
March 1 (every even year)
April 1 (every odd year)
Initial Report: End of Month after Formation Date
Annual: Last Day of Month of Formation Date
Initial Report: End of Month after Formation Date
Annual: Last Day of Month of Formation Date
New Hampshire
April 1
April 1
New Jersey
Formation Date
Formation Date
New Mexico
Initial Report: Within 30 Days of   Formation Date
Annual: March 15 (assuming FY ending 12/31)
No Report Required
New York
Last Day of Month of Formation Date (Biennial)
Last Day of Month of Formation Date (Biennial)
North Carolina
March 15 (assuming FY ending 12/31)
Initial Report: By 4/15 if formed before 4/15
Annual: April 15
North Dakota
August 1
November 15
No Report Required*
No Report Required*
Unavailable-Contact OK Dept. of Taxation
Unavailable-Contact OK Dept. of Taxation
Formation Date
Formation Date
No Report Required
No Report Required
Rhode Island
March 1
November 1
South Carolina
March 1 (assuming FY ending 12/31)
March 1 (assuming FY ending 12/31)
South Dakota
Last Day of Month of Formation Date
Last Day of Month of Formation Date
April 1
April 1
No Report Required
No Report Required
Formation Date
Formation Date
March 15 (assuming FY ending 12/31)
March 15 (assuming FY ending 12/31)
Last Day of Month of Formation Date
October 1
Last Day of Month of Formation Date
Last Day of Month of Formation Date
Washington DC
Initial Report: By 4/15 if formed before 4/15
April 15 (Biennial)
Initial Report: Before 6/16 of year after filing
June 16 (Biennial)
West Virginia
July 1
July 1
Last Day in QTR of Formation Date
Last Day in QTR of Formation Date
1st Day of Month of Formation Date
1st Day of Month of Formation Date

* Annual Report is required only if the company information has changed.

** We cannot file on your behalf in Oklahoma.  Filing is done via the Department of Taxation.